Go to the bottom of the page for updates on the map (Tony), standings (Tony), pics (Jon H.) and youtube video (TJ). Till next year and Shifting Sands 15!
9 am the doors open, come then if you are bringing terrain, otherwise start time for games is 10 am.
Just a note, bring your airplanes to Shifting Sands, I'm pretty sure you will need them! :)
All spots full, only one unconfirmed Soviet player.
Please see the spreadsheet 2nd from bottom to see if any slots are open and which. Only 1 Soviet spot left, all Germans filled.
Please see the spreadsheet 2nd from bottom to see if any slots are open and which. 1 German freed up today.
No more German spots open, and only 2 Soviet ones left!
Listed awards in 'Tournament Victory Conditions' section.
Lists for SS 14 are due January 4th, use EasyArmy.com to send to TJ or send directly to
TJ .
Added link for
table signup, list is at bottom after players.
No Proxies are allowed at SS 14.
Added HQ section to Brumbar and Ferdinand custom lists.
See bottom of this page for who is signed up so far for SS 14!
Update to Kursk lists section to include an exclusion of all Warriors from East Front book. Herr Remer (only Warrior definitely at Kursk) may make an appearance as a Firestorm unit.
Updated terrain guide to be more specific about Wheatfields.
You can now submit your book lists via
EasyArmy.com to TJ. When you go to View/Print OOB, under options choose Send To Tournament and choose Shifting Sands 14. Restrictions for SS 14 still have to be manually applied by you, but it should make verification easier.
Also, the tournament fee is now $30 instead of $20 previously, but it all goes towards Shifting Sands!
Added maps for 3 battles of the Kursk campaign from Osprey books in terrain section at the bottom, and updated Soviet Strelkovy list with Fortifications tank costs.
Updated Strelkovy w/Fortifications list
as well as added Ferdinand Kompanie
Update Mission determination for rounds 4 & 5
Main page under construction for SS 14
9-25-2013 Shifting Sands 2014 Battle Mixer
Hosted by Imperial Outpost Games, from
6pm-9pm Friday 1/17/2014. Bring your Shifting Sands Army and mix it up with other participants in a
mega battle event. This is the opportunity to see and be seen with the othe players and
just have some general fun. In addition, you get the opportunity to
Kill the TO who will be running a German/Russian force depending on the underdog side. Its just another chance for a game and some more enjoyment of the weekend
kickoff event.
Contact TJ for further details.