Jon Cleaves | Points |
78° Sturmkompanie StuG Company Stalins's Onslaught |
1 StuG G Headquarters | 95 |
Add Begleit Riders | 30 |
Combat Platoons | |
3 StuG G Platoon | 285 |
Add 3 Begleit Riders | 90 |
3 StuG G Platoon | 285 |
Weapon Platoons | |
3 Squad Pionner Platoon | 220 |
Support Platoons | |
3 StuG G Platoon | 285 | Add 3 Begleit Riders | 90 |
3 Nashorn(Hornisse) Tank Hunter Platoon | 370 |
Total: | 1750 |
Rnd | Vs | Mission | Table | ? | Score | |
1. | Ed Forbes | Free for All | 12 | win | 5 | 2 |
2. | Mark Francis | Fighting Withdrawal | 10 | loss | 2 | 5 |
3. | Jeff Plaine | Hold the Line | 5 | win | 6 | 1 |
Rnd | Vs | Mission | Table | ? | Score | |
4. | Matt Campbell | Encounter | 16 | draw | 3 | 2 |
5. | Paul Richert | Breakthrough | 14 | win | 5 | 2 |
6. | Sam Chinberg | Dare to Win | 1 | win | 6 | 1 |
Fifty miles south of Vitebsk, Busch's Fourth Army, fielding 12 divisions, was fighting to hold the line around the Dniepr River and Orsha, a critical juncture along the Moscow-Minsk highway. Lead elements of the Eleventh Guards Army ran headlong into the 78th Sturm (Assault) Division, which had been kept at high strength and was heavily supplied with artillery to hold the crucial highway. Anticipating well-prepared fixed defenses, each of the assaulting rifle divisions was preceded by a company of T-34 tanks fitted with mine-rollers, a heavy tank regiment, a heavy artillery regiment and an engineer assault battalion. Following this came a wave of flamethrower tank companies and light artillery regiments to liquidate pockets of resistance.
This massive push bogged down in a cluster of tank traps, mines and German infantry positions liberally supplied with Panzerfaust anti-tank rockets. But before long, General Chernyakhovsky managed to move his tanks north of Orsha, and promptly fed a mixed task force through the woods to exploit the gap. By the end of the day, the road to Minsk was within reach of the Third Belorussian Front.