Andrew Werchan Points
US Italy Veterians Rifle Company
Festung Europa
Headquarters 15
Add 2 Bazookas
Combat Platoons
3 Squad Rifle Platoon 155
2 Squad Rifle Platoon 110
2 Squad Rifle Platoon 110
Weapon Platoons
1 Section Mortar Platoon 50
Add Jeep with .50cal AA MG
Support Platoons
4 M5A1 Stuart Light Tank Platoon 190
4 M10 3in GMC Tank Destroyer Platoon 335
2 Section Field Artillery Battery(105 gun) 145
2 Section M1 155mm Field Artillery battery 215
Total: (Italy Veteran 1360 points) 1360
Rnd Vs Mission Table ? Score
1. Rob Wallace Free for All 13 win 5 2
2. Brian Jordano Fighting Withdrawal 16 loss 1 6
3. Ed Forbes Hold the Line 8 loss 3 4
Rnd Vs Mission Table ? Score
4. Tim Dvorak Encounter 15 loss 2 5
5. Tim Knapp Breakthrough 2 win 5 2
6. Paul Richert Dare to Win 8 draw 1 1

US Italy Veterians Rifle Company