3rd Fallschirmjäger
Concerted Effort
During the Ardennes offensive the Heer, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffen ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
During the Ardennes offensive the Heer, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffen ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
Luftwaffen and SS platoons in a 3rd Fallschirmjäger company ignore the Riech Divided rule (see page 242 of the rulebook) and therefore do not treat each other as Allies.
Veteran NCOs
The regiments of 3. Fallschirmjäger were all but destroyed in the Normandy and Market Garden campaigns. As a result the entire Division was reconstituted using personal from Luftwaffe rear area personnel. The cadre of veteran NOCs managed to keep these inexperienced and unmotivated troops on the attack well past what could otherwise been expected. Veteran NCOs represents the ability to continue attacking even after falling back from fontal assaults for 20 straight hours on the first day of the attack.
The regiments of 3. Fallschirmjäger were all but destroyed in the Normandy and Market Garden campaigns. As a result the entire Division was reconstituted using personal from Luftwaffe rear area personnel. The cadre of veteran NOCs managed to keep these inexperienced and unmotivated troops on the attack well past what could otherwise been expected. Veteran NCOs represents the ability to continue attacking even after falling back from fontal assaults for 20 straight hours on the first day of the attack.
Platoons may re-roll platoon morale checks to unpin as Fearless.

Combat Platoons
Wiederhergestellter Fallschirmjäger Platoon
HQ Section with:
- 3 Fallschirmjäger Squads130 points
- 2 Fallschirmjäger Squads90 points
Weapon Platoons
Fallschirmjäger Machine-gun Platoon
HQ Section with:
- 2 Fallschirmjäger Machine-gun Sections90 points
- 1 Fallschirmjäger Machine-gun Section60 points
Fallschirmjäger Machine-gun Platoon may make Combat Attachments to Wiederhergestellter Fallschirmjäger Platoons.

1st SS-Kampfgruppe Hansen
12th SS-Kampfgruppe Kühlmann
Concerted Effort
During the Ardennes offensive the Heer, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffen ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
During the Ardennes offensive the Heer, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffen ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
SS and Heer platoons in a SS-Kampfgruppe company ignore the Riech Divided rule (see page 242 of the rulebook) and therefore do not treat each other as Allies.
Weapon Platoons
SS-Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon
HQ Section with:
- 1 Machine-gun Section220 points
- No Machine-gun Section15 points
An SS-Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon must have a Mortar Section or Gun Section if it has no Machine-gun Section.
The HQ Section of the SS-Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon uses the Mounted Assault special rule (see page 243 of the rulebook).
The SS-Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon may make Combat Attachments to Gepanzerte SS-Panzergrenadier Platoons.
An Sd Kfv 251/21 D (Triple 15mm) half-track is a Tank team, but can carry one Passenger team as if it was a Transport team.
SS-Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon
Divisional Support
12th SS-Panzer Scout Platoon
- SS-Panzer Scout Patrol85 points
While moving forward to take the twin villages of Krinkelt-Rocherath, the 12th SS sent out reconnaissance patrols from the Aufklarungs Abteilung to probe the American lines. These patrols consisted of a single Sdkfz 234/1 armoured car and several schwimmwagens or Kubelwagens loaded with Aufklarungs troops.
A SS-Panzer Scout Platoon is a Reconnaissance platoon.
SS-Panzer Scout Platoon
12th SS-Kampfgruppe Müller
Divisional Support
SS-Tank Hunter Platoon
- 3 Panzer IV/70 (v)385 points
- 2 Panzer IV/70 (v)255 points
Tank Escorts
Panzerjäger IV/70 (v) assualt guns with Tank Escorts use all the normal Tank Escort rules. In addition, a Panzerjäger IV/70 (v) assault gun with Tank Escorts may fire it's Hull MG or Twin Hull MG at the same time as it's hull-mounted main gun. This does not prevent the Tank Escorts from shooting as well.
Panzerjäger IV/70 (v) assualt guns with Tank Escorts use all the normal Tank Escort rules. In addition, a Panzerjäger IV/70 (v) assault gun with Tank Escorts may fire it's Hull MG or Twin Hull MG at the same time as it's hull-mounted main gun. This does not prevent the Tank Escorts from shooting as well.
SS-Tank Hunter Platoon
The JPIV/70 (v) of the 12th Panzerjägerabteilung adopted the role of assault guns in supporting the Panzergrenadiers of KG Müller in their attack on the twin villages of Krinkelt-Rocherath. Aware of the unsuitability of their tank hunters in the close terrain of the Ardennes and surronding towns, the Panzerjägers mounted twin MGs on their tanks taken from the Luftwaffe. In addition, approximately 50-60 Panzergrenadiers of the 25th and 26th Panzergrenadier regiments were assigned as tank escort teams.
12th SS Warrior - Kampfgruppe Müller

Untersturmführer Rudolph Roy
12th SS Panzerjäeger Abteilung
12th SS Panzerjäeger Abteilung
Rudolph Roy may be taken in a Kampfgruppe Müller SS-Tank Hunter Platoon and replaces the Command team in one Panzer IV/70 (v) at a cost of +45 points.
Special Rules:
Expert Gunner
Rudolph Roy's Panzer IV/70 (v) may re-roll misses with it's main gun.Normandy Ace
Rudolph Roy and his Panzer IV/70 (v) platoon may be deployed using the Ambush special rule in addition to any other platoons that would normally be deployed in ambush. Roy's platoon may deploy in Ambush even in missions that do not normally use the Ambush special rule.
2nd Panzer Division - Kampfgruppe Böhm
To the Meuse!: Kamfgruppe Böhm made the most headway during the Ardennes offensive. Out of gas and suffering from heavy casualties, the Aufklärung battalion was stopped just miles from the Meuse river.
Kampfgruppe Böhm may make a spearhead deployment with one of its Aufklärung platoons.
Aufklärung HQ
- Company HQ85 points
Kampfgruppe Böhm HQ
The Company HQ of Kampfgruppe Böhm uses the Mounted Assault special rule (see page 243 of the rulebook).
Combat Platoons
Weapon Platoons
Heavy Panzerspäh Platoon
With Sd Kfz 231 (8-Rad):
- Heavy Panzerspäh Patrol80 points
Heavy Panzerspäh Platoons are Reconnaissance Platoons.
Heavy Panzerspäh Platoon

7.5cm Armoured Car Platoon
- 2 Sd Kfz 223 (7.5cm)95 points
7.5cm Armoured Car Platoons are not Reconnaissance Platoons.
7.5cm Armoured Car Platoon
2nd Panzer - Kampfgruppe Cochenhausen
Kampfgruppe Organization:
If an Panzer HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzer Platoon as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as a Tank company. If a Panzergrenadier HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzergrenadier Platoons as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as an Infantry company.
If an Panzer HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzer Platoon as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as a Tank company. If a Panzergrenadier HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzergrenadier Platoons as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as an Infantry company.
2nd Panzer Division - Kampfgruppe Gutmann
Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie HQ
- Company HQ85 points
The Company HQ of Kampfgruppe Gutmann uses the Mounted Assault special rule (see page 243 of the rulebook).
Kampfgruppe Gutmann HQ
Weapon Platoons
Self-Propelled Infantry Gun Platoon
HQ Section with:
- 3 Grille H255 points
- 2 Grille H175 points
Self-Propelled Infantry Gun Platoon

Support Platoons
Panzergrenadier Pioneer Platoon
HQ Section with:
- 3 Panzergrenadier Pioneer Squads200 points
- 2 Panzergrenadier Pioneer Squads140 points
You may replace up to one Pioneer Rifle/MG team per Pioneer Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before deployment.
A Panzergrenadier Pioneer Platoon uses the Mounted Assault special rules (see page 243 of the rulebook).
Panzergrenadier Pioneer Platoon

2nd Panzer Division - Kampfgruppe Holtmeyer
Kampfgruppe Organization:
If an Panzer HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzer Platoon as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as a Tank company. If a Panzergrenadier HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzergrenadier Platoons as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as an Infantry company.
If an Panzer HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzer Platoon as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as a Tank company. If a Panzergrenadier HQ is chosen then the company must have a Panzergrenadier Platoons as one of its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as an Infantry company.
Panzer HQ
- 1 Panzer IV J85 points
- 2 Panzer IV J175 points
- 1 Stug G95 points
- 2 Stug G190 points
- 1 Panther G190 points
- 2 Panther G375 points
Kampfgruppe Holtmeyer HQ
There is no requirement on taking one platoon of tanks that match the HQ. The Panther option represents the company that was later sent to Kampfgruppe Böhm. They are included because Holtmeyer was killed in a Panther while commanding his Kampfgruppe.
Combat Platoons
Stug Platoon
- 4 Stug G380 points
- 3 Stug G285 points
- 2 Stug G190 points
- 4 Stug G (Late)395 points
- 3 Stug G (Late)295 points
- 2 Stug G (Late)195 points
Stug Platoon
Weapon Platoons
Panzer Anti-Aircraft gun Platoon
- 4 Möbelwagon (3.7mm)220 points
- 3 Möbelwagon (3.7mm)165 points
- 2 Möbelwagon (3.7mm)110 points
- 4 Wirbelwind (Quad 2cm)220 points
- 3 Wirbelwind (Quad 2cm)165 points
- 2 Wirbelwind (Quad 2cm)110 points
- 3 Flakpanzer 38(t)120 points
- 2 Flakpanzer 38(t)80 points
Panzer Anti-Aircraft gun Platoon

116th Panzer-Divison "Windhund"
Attack Division
The 116th Panzer-Divison "Windhund" Kampfgruppes where used as an Attack Division during the battle of the Bulge. Using Stroßtrupps the 116th pushed forwards to capture bridges and to knock out key enemy strongpoints.
The 116th Panzer-Divison "Windhund" Kampfgruppes where used as an Attack Division during the battle of the Bulge. Using Stroßtrupps the 116th pushed forwards to capture bridges and to knock out key enemy strongpoints.
If you field any Pionier Stroßtrupps your 116th Panzer-Divison "Windhund" Kampgruppe Auto Attacks (see page 257 of the rulebook).
Headquarter Platoon
Windhund HQ
- Windhund HQ45 points
Vehicles where in short supply and every spare car, truck, bike, horse or half-track was used to help move supplies to the front. The supply train was of great importance, The 116th went as far as to dedicate the use of its heavy anti-aircraft guns to protecting the convoys. All that said it doesn't mean that a crafty commander was going to just give his transportation.
If you field a Company Anti-tank section it may ride along with the Command team of any platoon to which it is attached.
If your Company Command team or 2iC are mounted in a Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track they uses the Mounted Assault special rule (see page 243 of the rulebook).
Windhund HQ
Combat Platoons
Pionier Stroßtrupp
HQ Section with:
- 3 Panzergrenadier Pioneer Squads220 points
The 116th was ordered to form Strosstrupps(strike platoons) with the task of capturing or cutting off forward security positions and individual enemy strongpoints. Flame-thrower groups played a key part of this. Orders stated that:
Deployment of engineers with the attack divisions
Within the Strike groups of the attack divisions, in addition to the infantry strike platoons for the main efforts, combat engineer strike platoons (of not less than platoon strength) are to be established. Flamethrower groups (at least two to three flamethrowers squads) are to be incorporated. There will be no subdivision of engineer groups into individual squads for subordination to other units!
Deployment of engineers with the attack divisions
Within the Strike groups of the attack divisions, in addition to the infantry strike platoons for the main efforts, combat engineer strike platoons (of not less than platoon strength) are to be established. Flamethrower groups (at least two to three flamethrowers squads) are to be incorporated. There will be no subdivision of engineer groups into individual squads for subordination to other units!
If you are the attacking player your Pionier Stroßtrupp may replace up to five Pioneer MG teams with Flame-thrower teams. If you are the defending player you may not switch out for any Flame-thrower teams.
The Pionier Stroßtrup must remain at full strength and may not make any attachments to the company Kampfgruppe.
If your Pionier Stroßtrupp are mounted in Sd Kfz 251/7 half-tracks they uses the Mounted Assault special rule (see page 243 of the rulebook).
Pionier Stroßtrupp

Divisional Support
Windhund Panzer Platoon
- 5 Panzer IV H450 points
- 4 Panzer IV H360 points
- 3 Panzer IV H270 points
- 5 Panther940 points
- 4 Panther750 points
- 3 Panther560 points
The 116th Windhund where not issued any StuG Assault guns after being refitted in October. They where ordered not to use any Hetzer Jagdpanzer (38)t Assault guns because they lacked good mobility and were mechanically unreliable.
This left the 16th Panzer Regiment with forty three Panther tanks and twenty five Panzer IV tanks in a combat ready position.
Windhund Panzer Platoon

Armoured Heavy Artillery Battery
HQ Section with:
- 5 Hummel495 points
- 4 Hummel405 points
- 3 Hummel300 points
- 2 Hummel210 points
The 146th Artillery Regiment was allotted nine Hummels but only had six on-hand at the beginning of the offensive. Of those one was out for repairs at any given time.
You must purchase all of the three Hummel Gun Section before adding any extra teams from the second Gun Section.
Armoured Heavy Artillery Battery

559th / 560th Schwere Panzerjägerabteilung
Concerted Effort
During the Ardennes offensive the Heer and Waffen-SS ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
During the Ardennes offensive the Heer and Waffen-SS ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
Heer and SS platoons in a 559th / 560th Schwere Panzerjägerabteilung ignore the Riech Divided rule (see page 242 of the rulebook) and therefore do not treat each other as Allies.
Schwere Panzerjäeger HQ
- 2 Panzer IV/70 (v)300 points
- 1 Panzer IV/70 (v)150 points
- 2 Jagdpanther460 points
- 1 Jagdpanther230 points
At least one of your Schwere Panzerjäger Platoons must be equipped with the same tank-hunters as in the Schwere Panzerjäeger HQ.
Schwere Panzerjäeger HQ
Panzer Lehr Kampfgruppe Hauser (KG 901)
Kampfgruppe Organization:
If an Kampfgruppe Hauser HQ is chosen then the company must have Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoons as its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as a Mechanized company. If a Panzergrenadier HQ is chosen then the company must have ILL Equipped Panzergrenadier Platoons as its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as an Infantry company.
If an Kampfgruppe Hauser HQ is chosen then the company must have Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoons as its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as a Mechanized company. If a Panzergrenadier HQ is chosen then the company must have ILL Equipped Panzergrenadier Platoons as its compulsory combat platoons, and the company is rated as an Infantry company.
Anticipating that the assault on the town of Rochefort would be an especially bloody one Panzer Lehr's commander, Fritz Bayerlein, ordered the men of Regiment 902 to "shut your eyes and attack!". The men advanced into heavy enemy fire and, after several days of intense fighting, wrestled the strategic town away from the Americans.
Augen Zu:
During an assault, any Kampfgruppe Hauser Combat platoon may Destroy one Infantry team or Gun team from it's platoon that is currently participating in that assault and either re-roll a Motivation Test to Counterattack or re-roll a Roll to Hit. The Destroyed team must be In Command when removed and may not be an Independent team. You may do this multiple times in an assault as long as there are teams available to Destroy.
During an assault, any Kampfgruppe Hauser Combat platoon may Destroy one Infantry team or Gun team from it's platoon that is currently participating in that assault and either re-roll a Motivation Test to Counterattack or re-roll a Roll to Hit. The Destroyed team must be In Command when removed and may not be an Independent team. You may do this multiple times in an assault as long as there are teams available to Destroy.
Combat Platoons
ILL Equipped Heavy Platoon
HQ section with:
- 1 Mortar Section75 points
ILL Equipped Heavy Platoon
Support Platoons
ILL Equipped Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoon
HQ section with:
- 2 Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Squads140 points
You may not replace any Pioneer Rifle/MG teams for Flame-thrower teams.
A ILL Equipped Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoon uses the Mounted Assault special rules (see page 243 of the rulebook).
ILL Equipped
Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoon
Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoon
Kampfgruppe Poschinger (KG 902)
Anticipating that the assault on the town of Rochefort would be an especially bloody one Panzer Lehr's commander, Fritz Bayerlein, ordered the men of Regiment 902 to "shut your eyes and attack!". The men advanced into heavy enemy fire and, after several days of intense fighting, wrestled the strategic town away from the Americans.
Augen Zu:
During an assault, any Kampfgruppe Poschinger Combat platoon may Destroy one Infantry team or Gun team from it's platoon that is currently participating in that assault and either re-roll a Motivation Test to Counterattack or re-roll a Roll to Hit. The Destroyed team must be In Command when removed and may not be an Independent team. You may do this multiple times in an assault as long as there are teams available to Destroy.
During an assault, any Kampfgruppe Poschinger Combat platoon may Destroy one Infantry team or Gun team from it's platoon that is currently participating in that assault and either re-roll a Motivation Test to Counterattack or re-roll a Roll to Hit. The Destroyed team must be In Command when removed and may not be an Independent team. You may do this multiple times in an assault as long as there are teams available to Destroy.
Combat Platoons
ILL Equipped Panzergrenadier Platoon
HQ section with:
- 3 Panzergrenadier Squads155 points
- 2 Panzergrenadier Squads100 points
Panzer Lehr's three battalions of trucked panzergrenadiers were severely under strength at the beginning of the Wacht am Rhein offensive. I/902 only had about 70% of its allotted infantry and the average company could boast only 3 LMGs for each platoon. This lack of equipment was offset by years of experience and grim determination.
ILL Equipped Panzergrenadier Platoon

Lehr Heavy Platoon
HQ section with:
- 1 Heavy Machine-gun Section90 points
- No Heavy Machine-gun Section15 points
A Panzergrenadier company's fourth platoon, the heavy platoon, provides the soldiers with a selection of weapons to help suppress tenacious defenders. Mortars smoke the area of advance, cannon half-tracks dig out gun teams with high explosives, and heavy machine guns pin down enemy infantry. Panzer Lehrs heavy platoons may not have all of the elements needed to crush the enemies defenses but they are used to getting the job done with the resources at hand.
Lehr Heavy Platoon
Weapon Platoons
Support Platoons
Lehr StuG Platoon
- 4 Stug G380 points
- 3 Stug G285 points
- 2 Stug G190 points
- 4 Stug G (Late)395 points
- 3 Stug G (Late)295 points
- 2 Stug G (Late)195 points
StuG Brigade 243 was attached to Kampfgruppe Poschinger for the offensive. They provided 18 much needed assault guns to the under strength Panzer Division.
Lehr StuG Platoon

Lehr Panzerspäh Platoon
- 2 Sd Kfz 234/1 (2cm) Panzerspäh Patrols260 points
- 1 Sd Kfz 234/1 (2cm) Panzerspäh Patrol130 points
- 2 Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma Panzerspäh Patrols300 points
- 1 Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma Panzerspäh Patrol150 points
Panzeraufklärungs-Lehr-Abteilung 130 was the only unit brought up to strength before the offensive. Groupped into Kampfgruppe von Fallois, they were the eyes and ears of the division, working along side both Panzergrenadier Kampfgruppes.
Panzerspäh Patrols are Reconnaissance Platoons.
Panzerspäh Patrols of a Puma Panzerspäh Platoon operate as separate platoons, each with their own command team.
Lehr Panzerspäh Platoon
Führer Begleit Brigade
Concerted Effort
During the Ardennes offensive the Führer Begleit Brigade and Waffen-SS ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
During the Ardennes offensive the Führer Begleit Brigade and Waffen-SS ground troops all worked together in concerted effort to break though the US lines and pushed them back towards France. With the enemy at the doorstep of the Reich the petty squabbles of earlier years have faded into insignificance.
Führer Begleit Brigade and SS platoons in a 559th / 560th Schwere Panzerjägerabteilung ignore the Riech Divided rule (see page 242 of the rulebook) and therefore do not treat each other as Allies.
Headquarters Platoon
Führer Begleit HQ
- 2 Panzer IV/70 (A)270 points
- 1 Panzer IV/70 (A)135 points
- 2 Panzer IV H180 points
- 2 StuG G or or StuG IV190 points
At least one of your Panzer Platoons must be equipped with the same tanks as in the Führer Begleit HQ.
Führer Begleit HQ
Führer Begleit Brigade - Warrior

Generalmajor Otto-Ernst Remer
Führer Begleit Brigade
Führer Begleit Brigade
Remer ia a Warrior and Higher Command SMG team and is rated as Fearless Veteran.
Generalmajor Otto-Ernst Remer may join any Führer Begleit Brigade for +55 points with a Schwimmwagen for transport, or +70 points with an Sd Kfz 251/1D half-track for his transport.
Generalmajor Otto-Ernst Remer may join any Führer Begleit Brigade for +55 points with a Schwimmwagen for transport, or +70 points with an Sd Kfz 251/1D half-track for his transport.
Special Rules:
Follow Me:
Remer and any platoon he is currenty leading always pass Motovation tests on a roll of +3 instead of the normal roll.
Remer and any platoon that he is currently leading may make Stormtroopers moves on a roll of +2 instead of the normal roll.
No Quarter:
Remer and any platoon that he is currently leading hit on a roll of +2 in assault combats.
Combat Platoons
Panzer Platoon
- 5 StuG G or StuG IV475 points
- 4 StuG G or StuG IV380 points
- 3 StuG G or StuG IV285 points
- 5 Panzer IV H450 points
- 4 Panzer IV H360 points
- 3 Panzer IV H270 points
- 4 Panzer IV/70 (A)540 points
- 3 Panzer IV/70 (A)405 points
Panzer Platoon